Nature in Kos

Visitors to Kos often comment on the beautiful array of flowers that meet them along every street and pathway as they make their way around the island. Many of these plants are cultivated by the locals, but many grow untouched by human hand and can be seen through the summer months.
Greece, with its 6000 species of flowers holds second place for variety after Spain. It's terrain and climate, low lying, hot areas as well as mountainous regions whose climate is closer to that of northern countries make it the perfect place for wild flowers to grow.
Generally, the best months to discover the beauty of the wild plants and flowers is April through to June before the temperatures rise in July and August.On May 1st, Labour Day you'll find the locals out and about picking wild flowers from the beach and countryside to make the traditional wreath to hang on their doors at home and on the front of the cars.(See " Name days and festivals").
Herbs grow plentifully throughout the island and in particular on the slopes of Mount Dikeos, where an intake of breath fills the nostrils with a mixture of scents from the different herbs. It is not unusual to see the locals out on the sides of the road picking the naturally grown herbs to use at home. The Greeks use herbs in every traditional dish and refrain from using dried variety as the taste is so much better when using fresh herbs.
In Tingaki, the salt lake Alyki, provides a haven for wild birds. Protected by the authorities, it makes a pleasant walking routeas well as a must for all bird watchers. Pink flamingos are one of the most exotic visitors and can be seen either flying in this area or if not then actually on the lake itself. On a much smaller scale we mustn't forget to mention the little pond at Pyli which is also home to a few wild birds of Kos.
It has been reported that the sea turtle named "Caretta Caretta" by the Italian occupiers of the island, referring to the squares on its shell, comes to nest along the coast north of Kefalos, which is a quiet and unpopulated area. Sightings have also be made of seals in this vicinity. It is of course not unusual to see dolphins swimming in the wake of a boat around the coast of Kos.
Back on land - for those who take the path to the summit of Mount Dikeos (See " Individuals Interests" & " Name days and festivals") tortoises can be spotted along the way.